Cookie Questions

Do you have a SHOP?

Yes!!! Finally, as of 23 April 2022 we have our own production kitchen and shop on Valhallavägen 53, 114 22 Stockholm. Just come by, no preorders needed, but possible! If you want to make sure that you get all your preferred Cookies (or you’re ordering above 20 Cookies and want to skip waiting time), you can always preorder via email.

How do I order the cookies & how do I get them?

Currently you can order our Cookies through for all-day, every-day deliveries in Stockholm.

Can I Swish?

Yes, you can swish when buying Cookies at our shop.

Where do you deliver to?

We deliver within Stockholm bigger area on Tuesdays-Fridays 10-18h, and on Saturdays & Sundays 10-16h via You can also just drop by our shop on Valhallavägen 53. If you’re a company, please contact us via email in case you wish for different delivery hours, or bigger orders.

Cookie Care:

Once in your hands it will be tough for you not to eat them all immediately. Kept in an airtight container the cookies should last for a couple of days. They will get softer in a container, or a bit harder if kept on a plate.

Do reheat. To make the inside nice and gooey again, bake the cookies at 180°C for 2-3 minutes.

Do freeze. To keep them for even a bit longer: freeze them! When you defrost them, pop them into a preheated oven at 180°C for 5-7 minutes to make them nice and crunchy again.

Don’t cool or quick reheat. Fridge and microwave time will make cookies hard and ewww. Don’t do it. Have some respect for your cookies.

What if I have an allergy?

We bake all our cookies with the same machines in the same kitchen. This means they all can come in contact with eggs, dairy, wheat and nuts. The kitchen is not allergy certified. The No Crumb No Cry is made with gluten-free ingredients. The Green Crumb is made from vegan ingredients.

Other questions? Comments? Ideas?

Ask us anything! Just write an email to, and you’ll get an answer withing 24 hours.